I.O.E.A への応援コメント

Words of Congratulation for the I.O.E.A

笹本祐一(SF 作家、シナリオライター)

Yuichi Sasamoto (Science Fiction Author, Script Writer)


I am happy to hear the news about the establishment of the IOEA. In the past, it was much more difficult to find people that shared the same interests. Now, with information networks far more advanced, and thanks to the advancement of technology, it takes very little effort to find out when the next event is going to take place, what you can expect to find there, and who you can meet. I raise my glass high and say cheers for a future where the party hall expands to encompass the entire world!

I.O.E.A への応援コメント

Words of Congratulation for the I.O.E.A

吉川 友(アイドル)

You Kikkawa (Idol)

I.O.E.Aご発足おめでとうございます! 私はアメリカ、ヨーロッパ、南米で行われたイベントで日本のアイドルの一員として現地でライブをさせて頂きました 毎回、海外へ行くたびに現地の方の熱い声援とパワーをいただいています。

Congratulations on the launch of the IOEA! As a Japanese idol singer, I have had the opportunity to take part in numerous live performances in America, Europe, and South America. Each time I go overseas, I am infused with passionate enthusiasm and drive from the fans that greet us.

日本から遠い国でも私を知っていてくださったり、いつも現地の方の沢山の愛情をいただいています。 I.O.E.Aを通じて日本のアイドル文化の素晴らしさを世界中にお伝えするために、私、吉川友も日本のアイドル文化をお伝えする一員として頑張っていきます! このワガママボディーで全世界の皆様のハートを狩っていきたいと思います!

Even though I am from a country far away, some of them know who I am and they are so nice to give me such devotion. I, You Kikkawa, as a member of Japanese idol culture, will also work hard to spread to the world the wonderful things about the Japanese idol culture through the IOEA! I want to prey upon the hearts of everyone around the world with this wagamama body (voluptuous body) of mine.

I.O.E.A への応援コメント

Words of Congratulation for the I.O.E.A

川上陽介(株式会社セルシス 取締役)

Yosuke Kawakami (CELSYS,Inc. CTO)

国際オタクイベント協会発足おめでとうございます。いろんな国で、いろんな経緯で立ち上がったイベントが、グローバルに連携し、刺激しあう時代が来たんですね! それぞれのイベントに参加する皆さんを、さらにワクワクさせる活動に期待しています。

Congratulations on the launching of the International Otaku Expo Association. It seems the time has arrived where different events around the world, each coming into being under unique circumstances, can now coordinate on a global scale, and inspire each other! I look forward to activities that can pave the way for everybody attending different events to have a fun time even more than before!

I.O.E.A への応援コメント

Words of Congratulation for the I.O.E.A

杉山知之(デジタルハリウッド大学 学長)

Tomoyuki Sugiyama, Dr.Eng. (Digital Hollywood University President)


I believe the otakus are people who love culture and peace. I fully expect otakus world-wide, who were formerly divided by geography and language, to be able to form a large community through the work of the IOEA, and thus, they will be able to cast a ray of hope to the human society that is mired in the current confusion and chaos. The paramount prerogative of humanity should be placed upon the advancement within the realm of cultural creativity.

I.O.E.A への応援コメント

Words of Congratulation for the I.O.E.A


Takeshi Nogami (Manga-ka (Comic Author/Artist))


My deepest congratulations on the launch of the IOEA. I have no doubt that our playground of otaku culture, will transcend national boundaries, race, and various cultures, and ultimately go global. I am very eager to meet talented people and their works that I have not come into contact yet. Nothing would give me more joy if the creation of the IOEA will provide the opportunity for me to be able to do fun, interesting things with others around the world that enjoy otaku culture. While what I can muster might be limited, I will work hard to deliver creations that hopefully you will find enjoyable.

I.O.E.A への応援コメント

Words of Congratulation for the I.O.E.A


Takeshi Miyagawa (Figure Sculptor)

私達が大好きなオタク文化を、私達と同様に大好きでいてくれる人達が、世界中こんなに大勢いて、それを一緒の場で楽しむ事ができるなんて、夢みたいです。 日本のオタク文化だけでなく、世界中のいろいろな国にきっとその国独特のオタク文化が存在していて、私達がまだ知らないそんな文化を、IOEAを中心にして、みんなで共有できたら、すごく楽しいだろうなと思います。

It seems like a dream that there are large numbers of people overseas who are enthusiastic about otaku culture just as much as ourselves, and that there are places where we can have a good time together. Otaku culture not only exists in Japan––I think there are unique forms of otaku culture in nations around the world, and with the IOEA playing a central role, it would be exceptionally wonderful if we could learn about and share with one another aspects of otaku culture many of us know little about.

I.O.E.A への応援コメント

Words of Congratulation for the I.O.E.A


Takahiro Yoshimatsu (Animator, Manga-ka (Comic Author/Artist))


The first time I had the opportunity to participate as a guest at an anime convention in the United States was 17 years ago. I still have fond memories of the enjoyable time I was able to share with the local otakus there! And the cosplay! The mind-blowing cosplay! I pray otaku events around the world will become even more enjoyable with the creation of an association like this one!

I.O.E.A への応援コメント

Words of Congratulation for the I.O.E.A


Sumire Uesaka (Voice Actress)


I think it’s a really wonderful thing to be able to respond back to people from all corners of the world who continue to hold Japan dear in their hearts. I hope I may be of help, even just a little, to the activities that are being planned!

I.O.E.A への応援コメント

Words of Congratulation for the I.O.E.A


Seiji Mizushima (Animation Director)


Otakus with discriminating tastes are the ones that open doors toward new realms. I think it would be a wonderful thing if such otakus could interact on a global scale!

I.O.E.A への応援コメント

Words of Congratulation for the I.O.E.A


Misako Aoki (Model)


Congratulations on the establishment of the IOEA. Japanese pop culture so poplar overseas, the word kawaii has become a globally accepted word. I look forward to the IOEA’s activities in the future.