I.O.E.A への応援コメント

Words of Congratulation for the I.O.E.A


Haruna Iikubo (Morning Musume。’15)(Idol Group)

I.O.E.A発足おめでとうございます! 日々、新しいアニメ・漫画が増えていく日本には、世界に通用すべき作品がまだまだ眠っているはずです!

Congratulations on the launch of the IOEA! In Japan, where new anime and manga increases with each passing day, I think there are many works that lie undiscovered by the world that could potentially be successful overseas!

I.O.E.Aを通して、世界中の方に新たな作品との出会いを見つけて欲しいし、私も新たな出会いを見つけたいです! 好きなものがたくさんあれば、好きの共有でお友達の輪も広がるはず!

I hope that, through the IOEA, people overseas will have new opportunities to encounter new works, and I myself look forward to new encounters too! If you have lots of different interests, then that will give you more opportunities to find people that share interests with you and become friends!

そして何より私たちモーニング娘。もそうですが、日本独自の「アイドル」という文化を世界の方々に沢山伝えたいです!! 私自身、漫画が大好きなオタクの一人です。 世界のオタクの皆さん、私とオタクのお友達、『オタ友』になりましょう(^^)! そして自分の世界を広げましょう!

But most importantly, the Japanese idol culture is very unique, and the group that I am a member of, “Morning Musume,” is no exception, and I would like to share with everyone in this world more about our culture!! I myself really like manga and I’m an otaku. Dear otakus around the world, please become an Otaku Friend or “OtaFriend” with me (^^)! Now, it’s time to expand your world!