I.O.E.A への応援コメント

Words of Congratulation for the I.O.E.A


Takeshi Miyagawa (Figure Sculptor)

私達が大好きなオタク文化を、私達と同様に大好きでいてくれる人達が、世界中こんなに大勢いて、それを一緒の場で楽しむ事ができるなんて、夢みたいです。 日本のオタク文化だけでなく、世界中のいろいろな国にきっとその国独特のオタク文化が存在していて、私達がまだ知らないそんな文化を、IOEAを中心にして、みんなで共有できたら、すごく楽しいだろうなと思います。

It seems like a dream that there are large numbers of people overseas who are enthusiastic about otaku culture just as much as ourselves, and that there are places where we can have a good time together. Otaku culture not only exists in Japan––I think there are unique forms of otaku culture in nations around the world, and with the IOEA playing a central role, it would be exceptionally wonderful if we could learn about and share with one another aspects of otaku culture many of us know little about.