The International Otaku Expo Association (IOEA) is a global association of expos and events where enthusiasts of the otaku culture may gather together.
Today, friends of otaku culture exist in all corners of the world. Furthermore, the existence of numerous expos and events that welcome fans of otaku culture is testimony to the prevalence of the local fan communities around the globe. Expos with an attendance over 10,000 people are quite common, and there are a number otaku expos that boast over 100,000 attendees.
Following the footsteps of the Japonism, an artistic movement that centered around France at the end of the 19th century, now a phenomenon that could be referred to as the 2nd Japonism is taking place on a global scale.
While this massive surge is taking place on a global scale, each expos and events exist as independent entities in their respective nations and regions, and they do not necessary coordinate with one another. This is so despite the fact these communities and expos are places where people devoted to the same otaku culture congregate.
If these communities and expos could place a greater effort toward learning about each other, would it not be possible for friends who share common goals and values to enhance their mutual understanding of one another? Couldn’t this effort be one that could help contribute toward making this world a better place?
By linking together otaku expos, each and every one a testament to the achievements of the otaku culture, with each other through the IOEA on a global scale, fans, creators, organizations, and businesses that gather there would be able to widen the scope of their various activities. Forming such bonds would also enrich friendships, further mutual cooperation and forge a deeper understanding of each other, and thereby, not only help reaffirm respect for each other’s culture, but would also lead to rediscovering diversity and improving mutual trust, all contributing to foster friendship among enthusiasts of the otaku culture around the world.
The goal of the IOEA is to encourage new developments within the wider otaku culture, and thereby contribute toward making this world a happier place.
この目標の達成のため、世界の多数のOtaku Expo の賛同を得、Ani-Com & Games Hong Kong(中国・香港)、Anime Friends(ブラジル・サンパウロ)、コミックマーケット(日本・東京)、ニコニコ超会議(日本・東京)、Otakon(アメリカ・ボルチモア)、Romics(イタリア・ローマ)、Sakura-Con(アメリカ・シアトル)、Saló del Manga de Barcelona(スペイン・バルセロナ)を発起イベントに、ここにIOEAを設立する運びとなりました。
Numerous otaku expos around the world have agreed to band together in an effort to realize these goals, and today we announce the establishment of the IOEA made possible by following otaku events which comprise the IOEA foundation council–Ani-Com & Games Hong Kong (Hong Kong), Anime Friends (San Paulo), Comic Market (Tokyo), NicoNico Chokaigi (Tokyo), Otakon (Baltimore), Romics (Rome), Sakura-Con (Seattle) and Saló del Manga de Barcelona (Barcelona).
2015年3月 国際オタクイベント協会(IOEA)事務局局長 櫻井孝昌
March, 2015 International Otaku Expo Association Executive Office Director Takamasa Sakurai
イベント名休止イベント / Suspended
I.O.E.A加盟Expo / I.O.E.A Member Expo理事イベント / Board of Trustees