香港 Ani-Com & Games HongKong(ACGHK)へIOEA代表 佐藤が参加
The representative of IOEA attended ACGHK

2015年7月24日~28日に香港にて開催されたIOEA理事イベントのAni-Com & Games Hongkong(ACGHK) 2015へ、IOEA代表佐藤が参加しました。
Kazutaka Sato, the representative of IOEA attended Ani-Com & Games Hongkong(ACGHK) 2015, one of the board of trustees of IOEA, held between July 24th to 28th in 2015 in Hong Kong.

Sato gave a talk at main stage of the venue and welcomed by the large audience.

The representative of Comic Market also participated in this session and built a connection with ACGHK.

2015年7月31日 IOEA事務局