International Otaku Expo Association(IOEA/国際オタクイベント協会)は、世界のオタクイベントが一同に集まる協会です。オタクイベントが集まることで、オタク文化の世界的な発展もたらすことを目標にします。
The International Otaku Expo Association (IOEA) is a global association of expos and events where enthusiasts of the otaku culture may gather together. The goal of the IOEA is to share and encourage new and global development within the otaku community by linking together otaku expos and events around the world.
Illustration:チャーリーにしなか IOEA (Charlie Nishinaka)
日本発の世界で受け入れられている「オタク文化」世界オタクイベント協会IOEA とは、オタク文化を愛する者が集うイベントの協会です。
The otaku culture is enjoyed globally by many people in all corners of the world. The International Otaku Expo Association (IOEA) will be an assembly of events and expositions where those who love otaku culture may gather.
Today, fans of otaku culture are everywhere and they form local communities in their own respective regions. The existence of numerous otaku expositions around the world is a testimony to this.
毎年、世界中で1000 を超える数のオタク文化をテーマにしたイベントが開催され、そのイベントへの参加者数の合計は2000 万人を超えます。
Every year, there are over 1000 otaku related events and expos taking place around the world. The combined number of participants is over 20 million!!
それらのイベントをつなげるのが IOEA(International Otaku Expo Assosiation) です。
The IOEA(International Otaku Expo Assosiation) will link these events and expos.
IOEA でイベントが繋がることにより、イベント主催・ファン・クリエイター・企業・団体らがその活動の裾野を広がって、世界のオタク文化愛好家が友人となることができます。
By connecting events and expos, expo operators, fans, and creators together, private and public entities will be able to expand the scope of their various activities, all in an effort to foster friendship among enthusiasts of otaku culture around the world.
IOEA の目標は、世界中のオタク文化愛好家が友人となることでオタク文化に新しく大きな発展をもたらすことです。
The goal of the IOEA is to encourage new development within the otaku community by helping enthusiasts of the otaku culture to form deeper relationships.
The IOEA believes these developments will help create a new world where it will be possible for fans to share higher degrees of experiences of happiness.
Please look forward to the IOEA!